Jeeves Tickets would like to assure you that we are committed to protecting the privacy of all our users. The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to inform you of the data relating to you that we collect and use in connection with this website and the uses (including disclosures to third parties) we make of such data. We will ensure that the information you provide us with is kept private and confidential, and we will only use it to provide the services you request.

Requirement to provide Personal Data

You are not under a contractual or statutory obligation to provide us with any personal data

Personal data that Jeeves Tickets Collect and Process

When you complete a booking, sign up to our newsletter, consult with our service team, send us an email, or communicate with us in any way, you are voluntarily giving us information that we collect. That information may include:

  • your name and contact details, including your postal address, phone number and e-mail address;
  • your contact preferences;
  • any other information relating to you that you provide to us or that we generate about you in connection with your use of the website.

By giving us this information, you consent to this information being collected, used, disclosed, transferred or stored by us or our third-party providers as described in this privacy policy. In the interest of your privacy, we only collect, use and retain information reasonably required for our legitimate business interests, such as processing bookings and queries or providing you with marketing materials.

Use of Cookies

The website uses cookies to help us improve the experience we provide on our website.

Cookies are small text files that are added to your browser to track usage of our site. Collecting this data allows us to understand our customers needs as described in this policy.

By continuing to use our website without changing your settings, you are giving your consent to our use of cookies. However, you can change your cookie settings at any time. To find out how to do this, see the ‘Help’ menu on your browser. Please note that if you turn off cookies or change your settings, some features of the website may not work correctly.

Non Personal Data we Collect

In addition when you browse the website or make a purchase, we may automatically collect information about your visit by using cookies. The following non-personal information may be retained about that visit:

  • your device type
  • the search engine used to access the website
  • how you came to the website
  • how you interacted with the website

Most non-personal information is collected via cookies or other analysis technologies. This information may be used to monitor or improve website performance or deliver targeted advertising. Information from the cookie alone generally will not identify you personally and we will not use this information in connection with any personally identifiable information you have provided.

How Jeeves Tickets use the Data we collect

Jeeves Tickets uses your personal data for the following:

  • to provide you with products or services
  • to help us better understand your needs and interests
  • to communicate with you
  • to provide service and support
  • to update you on services and benefits
  • to personalise promotional offers

We will give you the opportunity to choose your privacy preferences regarding such communications.

Non-personal information is aggregated for reporting about Jeeves Tickets website usability, performance and effectiveness. It is used to improve the customer experience, usability and website content.

Information Jeeves Tickets Shares with Third Party Providers

We may share your personally identifiable information with service providers including

  • Email service providers to send you emails. Such providers may send emails of a marketing nature if you have agreed to receive such newsletters.
  • Advertising partners who may use email address, cookies and other tracking technologies, such as pixels and web beacons, to gather information about your activities on our website and other sites to provide you with targeted advertising based on your browsing activities and interests.
  • Our business partners, suppliers, and sub-contractors, for the performance of any contract we enter into with them. We may also share your data with analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement of our website.
  • Legal authorities when we believe in good faith that we are lawfully authorised or required to do so or when necessary to do so to protect the rights and safety of Jeeves Tickets, employees and users from fraudulent, abusive, inappropriate or unlawful use of our services.

Non-personal information may be aggregated for optimal website utilisation

Keeping your information secure

Jeeves Tickets is committed to protecting the information you provide. In particular we take steps to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, to maintain data accuracy, and to ensure the appropriate use of the information we collect.

We take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, considering the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the personal information. We implement a variety of security measures when a user makes a booking, enters, submits, or accesses their information to maintain the safety of your personal information.

Your personal information is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. If a security breach causes an unauthorised intrusion into our system that materially affects you, then Jeeves Tickets will notify you as soon as possible and later report the action we took in response.

Retention of Personal Data

We will not hold your personal data for longer than is necessary. We retain your personal data for as long as we need it for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement, or to comply with our obligations under applicable law and, if relevant, to deal with any claim or dispute that might arise between you and us.

Access to and accuracy of your information

Jeeves Tickets strives to keep your personal information accurate. We have implemented technology, management processes and policies to maintain customer data accuracy. We will provide you with access to your information, including making reasonable effort to provide you with online access and the opportunity to change your information. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as a password and user ID, before granting access to your data.

Third Party Websites

Any information, communications, or materials you submit to us via a social media platform is done at your own risk without any expectation of privacy. We cannot control the actions of other users of these platforms or the actions of the platforms themselves. Your interactions with those features and platforms are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them. Our website includes links to other websites, whose privacy practices may be different from ours. If you submit personally identifiable information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any website you visit.

Individual Rights

You have the following rights, in certain circumstances and subject to certain restrictions, in relation to your personal data:

  • the right to access your personal data;
  • the right to request the rectification and/or erasure of your personal data;
  • the right to restrict the use of your personal data;
  • the right to object to the processing of your personal data;
  • where our processing of your personal data is based on you having provided consent, the right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, or have comments or questions about our Privacy Statement, please contact us at:
Data Controller, Jeeves Tickets, Unit 20 Western Industrial Estate,  Naas Road, Dublin 12

Your Marketing Choices

The good news is you have ultimate control over your personal data. If you don’t want us to send you relevant offers or marketing information you can opt out at any time.
To opt-out of receiving communications you have expressly requested (such as e-mail newsletters, software updates, etc.), use any of the following methods:

  • Select the e-mail “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” link, or follow the opt-out instructions included in each subscription communication
  • Return to the Web page(s) where you originally registered your preferences and follow the opt-out instructions
  • In writing to Jeeves Tickets Data Controller

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this privacy policy, which come into effect upon updating this page. We recommend reviewing this privacy policy so you are aware of any changes that affect what you are consenting to by interacting with the website. The latest revision of the policy was prepared in May 2018.